Clarity Blend

Clarity Blend

Regular price $4.85
Regular price Sale price $4.85

Organic | Non-Caffeinated | 0.96 oz Tin

Clarity Blend No. 95 is a light apothecary blend that’s designed to keep your thoughts clear and your memory on point. It combines peppermint, ginger, rosemary, ginkgo, and gotu kola to form an herbaceous, earthy herbal tea that’s complex without being overwhelming.

It’s slightly spicy (thanks to the ginger), with bright notes of peppermint bringing a touch of balance to the initial flavor. The remaining ingredients offer the perfect middle ground of taste and effect; rosemary’s earthy, herbal flavor and the light, nutty flavor of ginkgo add a slightly savory undertone to the tea, while gotu kola provides a (very welcome) touch of refreshing parsley-like sweet tartness. 

Ultimately, Clarity Blend No. 95 is the perfect companion to late nights spent studying, busy mornings, and quiet moments of introspection.

Ingredients: Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Peppermint, Red Clover, Ginger Root, Rosemary

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